Industrial advisor committee

Bogdan Gavril, Elinktron Technology SRL, Bucuresti

Tudor Dachin, Continental Automotive System SRL, Sibiu
Jan Galcescu, Epsicom SRL, Craiova
Florin Hurgoi, National Instruments Romania, Cluj-Napoca
Zsolt Mathe, Tehnologistic SRL, Cluj-Napoca
Cosmin Moisa, Continental Automotive, Timisoara
Gabriel Neagu, Electronica Azi, Bucuresti
Mugurel Niculescu, Sytron Technologies Overseas, Bucuresti
Mariana Poparlan, Simea, Sibiu
Emilian Stoica, Simea, Sibiu

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The first 12 competitors have received from the IAC (Industrial Advisor Committee) the „PCB Designer” degree, as a recognition of their high level of knowledge in the field of CAD for development of electronic modules and assemblies.
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