The European Commission has launched the very first edition of ‘EU Cluster Weeks 2018-2019’. This campaign promotes national, regional, and local cluster events that take place between 20 November 2018 and 30 April 2019.

The EU Cluster Weeks are aiming at increasing European participation at cluster events and raising awareness on the role of clusters and the results they achieve for supporting SME growths, industrial transformation and regional economic development. They are an opportunity for you to spot and join interesting events across Europe and meet your peers.

The campaign is also a learning exercise on cluster challenges and needs for action that will feed into the debates on the next generation of regional, national and EU cluster initiatives, including Joint Cluster Initiatives under the forthcoming Single Market Programme. The input gathered throughout the events will be reported upon at the European Cluster Conference that will take place in Bucharest on 14-16 May 2019. Have your Say! #EUCLUSTERWEEKS

TIE or Interconnection Techniques in Electronics is not a regular student professional contest. The TIE event is part of EU Cluster Weeks and brings together players directly involved in the electronics industry development from The Eastern part of Europe. Electronic Industry representatives, academic staff (responsible for education and training of the future electronics engineers), high school representatives (directly involved in shaping future candidates for the universities around the country), support companies and NGOs will be presented the TIE Spring Convention. They will try to identify proper solutions for creating adequate human resources necessary for a prosperous business environment. The event takes place over 2 days and features workshops for companies and academic representatives related to gaining skills in electronics technology –  increasing the human expertise for the new age of innovative products.


Discover all EU Cluster Weeks events here!